Monday, January 14, 2008

God's Still Small Voice

Have you ever considered the noise level around you every single day? How long has it been since you've had time to experience silence? When I was young, my most serene moments were long walks in the woods by myself enjoying the environment away from cars honking, train whistles, television, children playing and interruptions by the telephone. The woods had a special "noise" that was soothing to my soul---the crunch of leaves under my feet, the cry of a distant bird in the trees, the chatter of a squirrel, or the scurrying of a chipmunk across a log.

The noise of the world today demands our attention. Parents giving orders to their children as they are getting ready for school, bosses telling us what is expected for the day, cellphones ringing all around every day even while trying to have lunch and relax, cars zooming by, sirens rushing to emergencies. Even at night when it should be a relaxing time, homework demands are being heard, television is blaring, telephones ringing. There just seems to be such little time for silence.

In this world of noise, sometimes it is difficult to hear God's still small voice in the midst of the clamor. God very seldom yells or screams His will to us, or gives us direction through the noise around us. He whispers to us as we quietly listen for His voice. He does that through reading His word, meditating alone by ourselves, or as we allow our thoughts to focus on Him and shut out the noises of the world around us.

How does God lead you in your daily walk with Him? Do you hear his direction loud and clear and walk firmly on His path confident that you are going in the right direction that leads you to obedience? Or do you come to a place of decision or a crossroads and feel His gentle nudging you in one direction or another when decisions have to be made? You can hear his still small voice inwardly saying "This is the way, walk ye in it." or you hear Him say, "No, my child, that path is not for you."

So often as Christians, the world shouts at us---the world makes demands of us that are sometimes so compelling that we cave in to the shouts and follow the path of the loudest voice. People follow the voice of their peers, or the sudden impulses of desire, because the loudness and/or the compassion demands satisfaction immediately. We need to train ourselves to get to our silent place and listen for His direction. As we face a new year, let us commit ourselves to finding that quiet time with God every day that will help us to more assuredly hear His voice and be able to follow Him in obedience.

God's Word is His voice speaking to us! Let us listen quietly!


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