Monday, April 02, 2007

What Does Easter Mean to You?

We are now in the week leading up to our celebration of Easter, the day all Christians remember the glorious resurrection of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. We serve a risen Savior ! He is alive today! Do you know Him personally? Do you talk to Him every day? Do you honor Him with your obedience? Do you seek His will for your life?

Take some time to pause and ponder what Easter means to you personally. Maybe Easter is just a fun day for your children to wake up to hidden Easter baskets filled with goodies? Maybe it's a day when you get a new dress to wear to church on Easter Sunday? Maybe it's a day when you watch your young children hunt colorful eggs in the grass. Maybe it's a day when you gather with your extended family around a large table filled with scrumptious foods that have been tradition in your family for years. These are all activities that have become "tradition" on Easter and a part of many memories stored in your memory bank. Certainly not bad things, but is that all Easter has become for you?

Jesus Christ was sent to earth by His Father in Heaven for a very specific purpose! His whole 33 years of life on this earth was centered on the goal of his final destination, the cross! Why? To pay the sin penalty for you and me! To be the blood sacrifice to satisfy the demands of our Holy Father so that we may have access to our heavenly home for eternity! He presented to the world that He was the long-awaited Messiah, but even God's own chosen people did not recognize Him! Instead, at the end of his life, He was scorned and abused beyond recognition and placed on a cross, crucified and died to pay the penalty of sin for you and me! He was our sinless sacrifice and could appease our holy God by redeeming us by His blood! He paid the price of your sin and mine and offers us the free gift of salvation when we accept Him as our own personal Saviour. And, glory to God, He was raised on the third day and we serve a living Savior! He is in heaven interceding on our behalf and will some day come to reign again on the earth as King of Kings and Lord of Lords!

If you know Him as Lord, then this Easter will be far more meaningful to you than the traditions that have become normal for most of the world. Our hearts will bow before Him and we will proclaim him as King of Kings, and we will have overwhelming gratitude for the price He paid for us on that cross! We serve a living Savior, He's in our hearts today!

Do you know Him as Lord?


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