Sunday, December 31, 2006

New Year's Resolution

As this last day of the old year passes, our minds naturally ponder what the new year may hold for us. We that know the Lord can put our days in His hands and trust that the new year will bring days that will honor the Lord and His plans will be carried out in our lives as we surrender our will to His will. However, it does not happen automatically. We must put time into studying His Word and praying and listening to His still small voice leading us into right paths.

As a Christmas gift, I was given Beth Moore's "Believing God Devotional Journal". The first paragraph in the journal is something that we should all take to heart personally and strive to make it our goal for the new year:

"I am totally convinced that nothing is more valuable in our lives than time spent quietly with God. Everything else flows from this deliberate experience of sitting with Him, reading His Word, hearing His heart, and rising up to live what we believe. From our marriages and families to our jobs and daily responsibilities, everything of value to us is charged with new meaning by the time we spend letting God teach us who He is---and who we are as a result of His limitless grace."

"Live what we believe" is a very significant challenge----do we believe God enough to obey Him? If we truly believe that God is all He says He is and will do all He says He will do, then our lives should reflect that belief in a much more defined way so that others can see the difference in our lives. My resolution this year is to strive to know God more and more and to live my life more pleasing to Him. What is your resolution this year?

A blessed New Year to you!


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