Thursday, December 28, 2006

Rainy Day

Our house is socked in with low clouds and rain, the winds blowing outside, a little gloomy. The day sorta matched my mood when my son and his family left just a couple of hours ago. The house is eerily quiet, and the silence deafening. I already miss those two little active boys that brightened up our home with such laughter and fun for a whole week! But I will not allow the gloom to take away the wonder of a whole week with my family! It was truly a blessing that will remain in our memories for long years to come. It was a very special Christmas and I thank God for each and every prayer answered, and for His watchcare over us.

God instituted the family when He made woman for Adam and told them to be fruitful and multiply. His desire for the family is always to be one unit glorifying God in all that they do. The husband is to love his wife as Christ loves the church; the wife is to be that helpmate to her husband that allows him to be all that Christ wants him to be; and the children are to be obedient to their parents as the parents teach them how to be Christ-like in every aspect of life. God loves the family; He rejoices when the family unit operates in the way He intended from the beginning. It's a shining example to the world when the family unit operates in the way God designed for them to operate. God is grieved when the family unit breaks down and separates into dysfunctional parts. We need to pray that families this coming year will recognize their purpose in God's plan and work at making their family unit strong in the Lord!

Thankful for family!


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