Wednesday, November 22, 2006

A Study on Forgiveness

God has been teaching me much this week on forgiveness. Our Bible study touched on it this week, as well as our Sunday School lesson. This subject is exhaustive. I don't think you could ever exhaust the many aspects of forgiveness that God would like for us to know. I thought it worthwhile to share with you an excerpt from our Sunday School lesson this week based on Charles Stanley's book "Success God's Way."

"You can blame others and refuse to forgive others who hurt you all you like, but the truth remains:
---You are responsible for your actions, responses and feelings.
---There is never any justification in hurting someone else, harboring unforgiveness, or taking vengeance into your own hands.
---You have a choice rooted in your free will about what you choose to do in the face of persecution, injury, criticism, or hurt feelings.
---The blame game always hurts you more than it hurts others. The blame game stunts your spiritual growth, damages your fellowship with God, and promotes disharmony with others.
When you continually blame others, you actually choose to live in a state of unforgiveness. You hold others responsible for your pain, and you refuse to forgive them for what they have done to you. As long as you live in a state of unforgiveness toward those who wrong you, the Lord cannot bless you and cause your efforts to prosper (Luke 6:37). Choose to forgive!
You will release yourself to move forward toward God's goals for your life."

A long time ago, I wrote in my Bible this statement: "Forgiveness is not a case of "holy amnesia" that wipes out the past. Instead it is the experience of healing that drains out the poison from the wound."

Revenge imprisons us; forgiveness sets us free. To forgive is to set a prisoner free and discover that the prisoner was you.

God so freely forgave us for all our sins----we have no lesser responsibility than to forgive others. "Forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those that trespass against us."

Get your spiritual health back through forgiveness!


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