Friday, February 15, 2008

The Miracle of New Birth

I just learned this morning that I became a great-great-aunt. How special is that!!! Alexis Paige Swiger was born yesterday on Valentine's Day weighing 7lb.15oz to my niece's son, and what a beautiful little valentine she is.

After seeing the perfect formation of a tiny newborn baby just out of the womb, how could anyone doubt there is a God? God's word tells us that babies are knitted in the mother's womb by God. God foreknew little Alexis would be born, and He created her with a very special unique God-given gift and a purpose for her birth. To ponder that wonderful truth can take your breath away! Every parent has been given the awesome responsibility for nurturing the gift of their children to become all God wants the child to be. Alex and April, congratulations on the precious birth of your daughter. I pray God will allow you to see what a treasure He has given you and that you will assume your responsibility as her parents to raise this child knowing God and His love for you as a family.

Congratulations and we are so proud to have little Alexis Paige in the family!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

What a beautiful tribute to my first granddaughter!! Thank you Aunt Sandy!!


10:00 AM  

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