Monday, March 05, 2007

Blessings in Many Facets

This past week was such a busy week for us, and as I recall each event or activity, I rejoice in the goodness of our Lord and the way He blesses us with unexpected, joyous, and sometimes sad events that draw our attention to Him.

At the first of this week, I received great news that my dear friend in Minnesota had received good test results from her CA125 test that will often determine if ovarian cancer has returned to her body or not. The test result was very low and indicates that she is safe from cancer for another while. What a relief to hear such good news! However, that same evening I heard from another friend that a teacher at a Christian school here in Maui who had retired from missionary work three years ago, passed away suddenly with ovarian cancer. She only found out in January that she had the terrible disease, and lived only a month when God called her home to be with him. She was only 70, but one of the most committed, loving, sweet, kind servants of God that you could ever meet. I attended her memorial service yesterday and was so blessed by all the people who shared their love and memories of Mary and the service was a celebration of her life that was lived wholly and completely for God. Just a reminder---ovarian cancer is a very aggressive and dangerous cancer. The CA125 blood test is a good indicator for women to determine if cancer is present in the body. You may want to ask your doctor if you should have the test or not.

Also, Thursday we had a nice surprise when Dick's high school principal from his hometown in Winfield, West Virginia, arrived in Maui for a conference. He is now 80, a widower, but still so very active in giving back to the community in which he lives. We took him on a tour around the Island, and I was so fascinated as I listened to the reminiscenses that he and Dick had of their hometown of Winfield and of the many people that they shared memories about. Winfield once was a small town and everybody knew everybody, and the close-knit bond that was expressed through their reminiscences was a joy. It reminded me of the blessing of people in our past who have made their mark on our lives. All of us can think of someone in our past who has made an impact, who changed us in some way, or who simply blessed us by their presence.

Last but not least, we went to the beach on Saturday so that Dick could get some swimming and snorkeling time in for his exercise this week. We were so blessed by watching whales breaching clear out of the water many times out in the ocean right in front of where we sat on the beach. They would also flap their tales out of the water as if they were waving at us. If you've never experienced such a sight, it is awesome! These mighty creatures of God's creation are magnificent to watch!

Each day we can experience a blessing, a joy, a reason to be thankful if we but look for the opportunity! God is eagerly anxious to reveal Himself to us in so many ways! Look for God in the goodness of each day!

Joy and Peace,


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