Monday, February 26, 2007

The Joy of Answered Prayer

There is no greater joy than to receive a positive answer to a very heartfelt prayer that has burdened you deeply over a period of time. This past week a dear friend of mine requested prayer about a suspected possible recurrence of ovarian cancer. She had been cancer free for over four years and yet last week she began to feel a soreness in her liver area. What a privilege that she felt free enough to share her fears with me and immediately I began to pray that the Lord would keep her body cancer free. She went for testing on Thursday and it was a long weekend as we waited for the test results on Monday. Praise God, over the weekend her pain disappeared and her CA125 came back without any indications of cancer in her body.

The joy that comes from answered prayer is indescribable. It is also very humbling. To know that we serve a living God that loves us, a God who has compassion for us in our times of need, and that hears our prayers and answers with a resounding positive response is so awesome!

"Call unto me and I will answer you and show you great and unsearchable things you do not know." (Jer. 33:3)

"May he give you the desire of your heart and make all your plans succeed." (Psalm 20:4)

"Delight yourself in the Lord; and he will give you the desires of your heart." (Psalm 37:4)

God's promises can be trusted by faith in His unfailing love and in His infalliable Word. God knows what is best for us, and He loves for us to go to His throne of grace depending upon Him for answers when the circumstances seem insurmountable.
It is by faith mountains can be moved. It is by faith we find peace when everything around us is so uncertain.

Agreed, sometimes God's answers aren't so clear and concise, and sometimes God answers with "No, my dear child, that is not the best I have planned for you. I cannot answer that because I love you too much to send you down the wrong path."
When we do not get the answer from God that we hoped for, please be assured that God is still sovereign and in control and He still loves you with a compassion and love that is beyond measure. In time, or maybe not even until eternity, you will understand that His plans for you were always the best plans. It's all a matter of trust and faith in His Sovereignty!

I pray you know the joy of God's answers to your prayers!


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